Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Expert Indexer Signs On...

Just recently, it was determined that Margy Olmstead, an expert indexer from Oak Grove Indexing Services at http://www.oakgroveindex.com/, will be creating the index for this book. Margy informed me that she sometimes does indexes for Health Communications, Inc., which is a top publisher of health information today.

Margy wrote to me: I have looked at your book and am delighted to provide it with an index. You have written a valuable book for ENS sufferers and the medical community. In later correspondence, she wrote: I have said this before, but I am really impressed with your book and hope Cold Tree can give it great distribution. As you know audiences for the book will include both lay people who are considering surgery or treatment and the medical community hence the index must be accessible to both. Given these considerations, I will include a peer review to be certain I give this fine, informative book the index it deserves!

I am certain she will do an exceptional job for this book and I look forward to working with her, as I am confident her efforts will enhance the final product.
